Saturday, 28 April 2012

A Bit of Thursday Mornings

I’m sat here thinking of what exactly to write, I have been thinking all week that I wanted to write a new blog but nothing has really happened. Okay so yes lots of things have happened this week, my student loan came, so yes a definite shop was in order and I got to see most of my lovely University friends but other than catching up on everyone else’s gossip it has been so uninspiring (no offense guys!).

Normally I feel inspired after a night out, which I’m always out on a Wednesday so I thought I would find something that would get the words flowing but no… nothing.

Although I do love a night out, I think I love talking about what happened almost as much the day after. It is a Thursday morning ritual for me to walk into my early morning lecture (looking lovely and rough) and just retell the night out to the Education girls. This week I unfortunately did not go to this lecture because it was about next year’s modules and I am changing course also getting up at eight o’clock was not very appetising at four o’clock when I got into bed. I think that has been one of the most disappointing moments of my week not going in and believe me it has been disappointing, returning to an empty house at Northampton to have NO INTERNET was a very low moment.

I’m not sure if when I get into the lecture and quickly spill the night out to the girls if they enjoy it as much as me but it has become one of them weekly things, a must do. I’m also not sure if it is a good or bad thing they started to expect me to spill out all the details of my week’s antics. But to think that this ritual is never going to happen again makes me think just how fast this year has actually gone. Although I do love a Thursday I loved a Monday and a Tuesday as well (yes three day week, not too hard a life).

I walked into my lecture on Monday, okay a tiny bit late but very stressed to find that I had a gold star, yes I said right, my lecturer had given all the good attenders gold stars, because they are obviously amazing. And then the same lecturer gave me another gold sticker only this one was even better because it said “amazing work” it even had a picture of a cat on as well. Sometimes it really is the littlest things that make your day, the sticker made up for the fact he did not bring us chocolate. Everyone loves a bit of chocolate lets be honest.

There is always going to be a chance for belated Thursday morning chats and there is always going to be little things that make your day. Be positive and live life to the full and nothing can go wrong.
Always try your best to be true to yourself

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

And it Started With a 'Schlong'

As many of you know I get Facebook raped a hell of a lot. Whenever my laptop or phone gets taken over by my friends I am either pregnant, doing a poo or having some crazy stuff going off.  So the other night I was out with my mum and step dad having an Indian. Now I do love an Indian but my god they took forever, even my mum was going on Facebook, this is when the meal when so wrong…

Out my mother’s mouth came “what is a schlong”. I will not lie, I have never heard of it before but I had a good idea what it was. Yes, you are all thinking what made my mum come out with this whilst I am waiting for my chicken korma? My little sister had a status telling everyone how her boyfriend has a big schlong. Cringe!!

So I had a little look on my Blackberry to make sure it meant what I thought it meant and my gosh the loudest “eghhhhhh” came out my mouth. At this moment I wanted to throw my Blackberry out of a window, if I’m honest I want to do this most of the time anyway but the moment you have to explain what a ‘schlong’ is I had never hated my Berry more than at this moment.

I thought it was only best to show (I did not want to read out as then it would have been even more cringe worthy) my mum and step dad the Urban distortionary definition.

“A cock with substantial thigh-slapping length and girth.”

This may have been one of the horriblest moments for me in the last week. After my mother and step dad knew what a schlong was they kept on and on making jokes about them even on Facebook. Yes I know how embarrassing.

I thought that my sister had actually written this status, although I am not sure if I fully believe that her boyfriend, who is trying to make a good impression, would frape her when she has her family on Facebook. I just don’t know and I actually don’t want to know.

So this made me think should you really have family as friends on Facebook? I personally am not too bothered when I get fraped even when it’s rude or a bit disgusting they know it isn’t me so why should they be too bothered. I guess because I am at University my family just want to see what I am up to (and have a nosey on my going out pictures) which does not bother me at all, everyone likes a bit of a Facebook stalk now and again.

I think you have to look at it like this, Facebook is just a bit of fun, a bit of something to pass the time, it is not life or death, and whatever goes off on it whatever who really cares. Facebook means so much to everyone when really it shouldn’t mean that much.

Try Your Best To Be True To Yourself.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Annoying Housemates

Have you ever been so annoyed by someone you just want to scream? Well this is one of them feelings I get very often when I am around a certain person and even when I am not around them they could have done something little and it would ruin my day.

I am currently living with someone in my student house that I just don’t like. I tried so hard at the start of the year to get along with them but they made it so hard. A few weeks ago it got to a point where I just could not stand them. I was that angry I wrote a horrible letter. I did not send this letter but now that this housemate has become ten times worse.


Now I don’t really care if you like living here or not because you clearly don’t and that’s nothing to do with me, it’s just because you are quite frankly strange!

Just because you don’t like living here does not mean that you can take this p*** about it! It is not fair on all living here. For example, using other people’s tooth paste, like seriously what is wrong with buying your own?! It isn’t that expensive, surely you can afford that because all you do is drive everywhere.

Then there is the whole toilet roll situation. Like you use loads when you go for your morning poo (leaving skid marks every time it would take you all of two seconds to clean after yourself) how many loo rolls have you got yet you use other peoples? If it was the other way round you really would not like it.

You never ever put the bins out, I will in fact be shocked if you have put them out once. It’s not that I mind putting them out but not when people take the p*** about it (and that is what you are doing) The only way I would be okay without you putting the bins out is if you didn’t put anything in the bin or recycling. Which you don’t really recycle anyway no matter how easy it is for you to do.

It has also come to my notice that there is a collection of plastic bags outside our house, this must be down to you. What is your problem?! That can be classed as littering and I will not be happy if our house gets fined for it. Also thank you for leaving your chips from Thursday night outside, we shall be getting rats if you do stupid things like that. I could understand if you was say 15 but you are 20 years of age, surely you know better?

Also it is very frustrating when you leave your dirty dishes, no one in this house is your mother and I god hope you don’t treat your mum like this because it is disgusting if you do. Just washing your plate does not make up for the knives and forks and the tray or pans you use.

Shaving. Now I know you have to shave but that really does not mean that you can leave all your hairs around the sink (yes you haven’t been as bad about this but it’s still unclean and honestly minging) and just all over the bathroom. This is meant to be our house yet it is horribly unclean.

It really annoys me how you leave all the lights on and go out. Not only the lights but the telly as well, it really doesn’t take much to just turn everything off. You say you do this at home but you realise that our house as it is is pushing the bills. The boiler is always heating up and whatever it does, I don’t think any of us need the extra money coming out our loans to pay for the lights being left on. Plus it annoys people leaving lights on.

You may use the “I’m never hear” excuse but personally that does not work on me, you are hear enough to contribute to this household.

I may be horrible to live with but to be very honest I don’t think that all these points are a lot to ask to sort out.

Many thanks A Very Annoyed Housemate.

Now looking back I am glad I did not send this letter as it is horrible and I would be very upset to receive this. This made me think how exactly are you to go about changing how people are. Do you say something to them no matter how hard it may be to say something? Do you just ignore it and forget about everything they are doing that annoys you?

The University year is nearly over for me so I am just going to let this housemate get on with it because I only have another two/three weeks to put up with them and then I will most likely never see them again

Try your best to be true to yourself.