Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Cheesy But True

It has been too long since I last wrote a blog. To be honest it has been a lack of inspiration and a lack of time! I wrote a blog the other day but I was too worried I’d get too much bad criticism, was a risky subject.
Like most people my age I have an iPhone and go on Instagram a fair bit (okay more than a bit, everyone likes a cheeky double tap!). I was just having a little look at other people’s pictures and came across women’s rules or something like that. These consisted of pictures of quotes.
As I was reading through these quotes I realised how I really needed to take on board what they were saying. I know everyone will think “omg these quotes are like well cheesy” and yes they are but I don’t really care. When I saw them they made me happy and for anyone that has this perfect life that they don’t need cheering up, smell the roses!

The #56 Rule of a Lady:
It’s okay not to be okay.

Okay so this made think you know what, everyone is feels sad at times and it is okay. It’s normal.

The #75 Rule of a Lady:
Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.

This one is so relevant to me! I don’t cry! Okay when I’m drunk I do a little but that does not count in my eyes. So yes I don’t cry and when you actually do, it is a bloody shock to the system. You have to have bad times that you cry about because if you lived a ‘safe and easy’ life it would be boring and let’s be honest, you wouldn’t really be living. I learnt crying is good. (I would still hate it but not so much, I’d rather do things that would make me upset than have regrets).

The #30 Rule of a Lady:
Be careful who you open up to. Only a few people care, the rest are just curious.

I learnt very recently that I need to open up to people. I am a private person; I hate everyone knowing what’s going on with me. But choose wisely who you open to up, with me I wouldn’t tell anyone who I didn’t trust, I’d like to think who I tell things to do actually care and are not curious. I guess this quote is one that you learn from your mistakes from.  

The #61 Rule of a Lady:
If you aren’t happy single, you won’t be happy taken. Happiness comes from within, not from men.

A lot of people are like “I hate being single”, I personally don’t, but it is very easy to say “life would be so much happier with a boyfriend”. No, no it wouldn’t. You can’t have things going on it your life that make you unhappy and think that adding someone else into your mess is going to make you happy. Relationships are not everything. Be happy in yourself and when a relationship is the right thing for you it will come along. At least that what I hope so anyway.

I haven’t really had a good few weeks and seeing these quotes made me feel that things will get better. No matter how weak, alone or unhappy you feel, you just have to think of something that will make you feel better… or talk about it. 

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